Published by Trustmark Voluntary Benefits on September 20th, 2022

Life Insurance Awareness Month, is an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of life insurance and what it means to have life insurance. This year, we’re hoping to help spread the word by focusing on “what does life insurance mean to YOU”? We asked members of the Trustmark team that very question. We invite you check out the teams' full responses here and read on for a few highlights of what they shared: A112-3221-720x450_VB_Blog-SalesQuotes.jpg

Adam Halick (Regional Sales Representative, Upper Midwest): “To me life insurance is way more than just a benefit. It’s a way of providing protection and also the trust of your family to know that you’re continuing in your goal of providing for your family.”

Bob Cogan (Senior Regional Sales Director, New England): “You want to make life easier for your loved ones and the people you care about.”

Brent Simmons (Regional Sales Manager, Georgia): “I’ve had life insurance since I was 2 years old thanks to my grandfather who was thoughtful enough to take that coverage out on me. I’ve maintained that policy and it was an extremely eye opening experience to have that and know that I was protected and that he thought enough to do that for me.”

Colin Coyne (Regional Sales Director, Northest Region): “Life insurance gives you that added protection to know that if the unexpected happens, you are covered."

Danielle Creswell (Regional Sales Director, Capital Region​): “Life insurance to me means my loved ones will have financial security and stability.”

Dave Ward (Regional Sales Director, Southeast): “To me life insurance is the 8th wonder of the world.”

David Fisher (Senior Regional Sales Director, Carolinas​): “Life insurance is protection for your family and loved ones.”

Frank Morang (Regional Sales Manager, Empire Region​): “Life insurance means promises made and promised kept.”

Joe Goolsby (Regional Sales Manager, Midwest​): “Life insurance is more than a product I sell, it’s a product I believe in.”

Matt Cruth (Regional Sales Director, Plains Region) "Life insurance is something that is there to keep our children and loved ones fulfilling all the dreams that we have for them."

Matt DiPietro (Regional Sales Director, Pacific Northwest​): “Life insurance to me is having a sense of security.”

Rick Cronin (Regional Sales Director, Mountain Region​): “Life insurance is an easy way to take control of protecting my family.”

Ronnie Spedale (Regional Sales Director, Gulf Coast​): “To me, life insurance means choices.”

Tom Homrighausen (Regional Sales Manager, Southern California & Pacific Northwest​): “To be the person who delivers the check, I’ve been that person and seen the difference it makes in people’s lives.”

Shaun Urista (Regional Sales Manager​): “Life insurance to me really means freedom and security.”

Blake Davidson (Regional Sales Director, Tennessee​): “Life insurance is a very important part of financial planning for families.”

Chip Taylor (Regional Sales Director, Mid-Atlantic Region​): “Life insurance means protecting my family.”

Glen Schweikert (Regional Sales Manager, Ohio Valley Region​: “Life insurance to me is a promise.”

Jay Weingart (Senior Regional Sales Director, Florida​): “When I first met my wife, I knew she was my always. 32 years later, not only is she still my always, but so are my two beautiful kids. Life insurance gives me the confidence that my always will be forever.”

Life insurance means lots of things to lots of different people. For many, life insurance is more than just a policy. Life insurance is protection they’ve had in place since before they were able to walk. For others, it’s a financial tool to help provide security later in life.

Make sure to share across your social media channels and encourage others to not only reflect on why life insurance is important to you, but also learn how life insurance can have a positive impact on others and their family’s lives.