Published by Trustmark Voluntary Benefits on September 5th, 2024

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about the importance of having life insurance for consumers and industry professionals alike. This year, we’re celebrating by asking people how life insurance helps them stay “Free to Dream”. 

Free to Dream wall filled with employees' dreams.

Life insurance helps provide financial security – and that financial security gives us the freedom to pursue our dreams. Not only does owning life insurance help protect your family’s dreams for the future if you pass away, but the peace-of-mind knowing that they are taken care of gives you the freedom to dream bigger about your own future as well.

We encourage everyone to think about how life insurance helps you stay “Free to Dream”. What’s most important to you and your loved ones? What dreams do you have for yourself and your family? Travel? Education? Starting a business?

We asked these questions of Trustmark associates at the home office in Lake Forest, Illinois. To inspire themselves and each other, we set up a “Dream Wall” where they had the opportunity to write down and share their dreams. (Did you know you’re 42% more likely to achieve your dreams if you write them down?1)
Our partners and policyholders can participate in the “Free to Dream” campaign by sharing their dreams in the comments of a “Free to Dream” campaign post on our LinkedIn, X, or Facebook page! Use the hashtag #FreetoDream to be entered for a $50 Amazon gift card!

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