Published by HealthFitness on February 3rd, 2020

HealthFitness earned a market leading Net Promoter Score of 79 out of 100 from our 2019 fitness management clients. The score represents the value we bring to our clients.
At HealthFitness, we believe movement matters. This is why we focus on creating environments that get—and keep—people moving. As one of the largest providers of fitness center management and wellness programming in the country, we can get more of your people moving, too.

Our experts will leverage our 45 years of experience cultivating corporate wellness culture to guide your company toward the fitness, recreation and wellness solution that's right for you.

We have transitioned 44 sites since 2010, onboarding more than 150 equivalent staff–so you can feel confident knowing we’re the right partner to successfully transition your program.

Wondering what type of partner HealthFitness will be? Just ask our clients:
  • 93 client partnerships
  • 16 year client tenure
  • Net Promoter Score of 79
  • 90% of clients report being satisfied with HealthFitness due to the “great HealthFitness staff, responsiveness, expertise and our interaction with participants.”
79 and feeling fine! What does the Net Promoter Score Mean?
The Net Promoter Score (NPS) methodology is based on asking customers a single question that predicts the likelihood of both repurchase and referral:
“How likely is it that you would recommend this company to a friend or colleague?”

NPS is a customer loyalty metric introduced in Harvard Business Review in 2003. Since then it has been widely adopted by more than two thirds of Fortune 1000 companies.

NPS is an index ranging from -100 to 100 that measures the willingness of customers to recommend a company’s products or services to others. It is used as a proxy for gauging the customer’s overall satisfaction with a company’s product or service and the customer’s loyalty to the brand. Here’s how the score breaks down:

Danger Zone: -100 to 0
  • Companies in this position tend to see very high customer churn, low public opinion and few customer referrals. 
Good: 0 to 50
  • Most companies fall in this range, which generally means the threshold for customer satisfaction has been met.
 Excellent: 50 to 75                                                                          
  • Companies consistently exceed customer expectations. 
World Class: 75 to 100                                                           
  • Companies offer exceptional customer experience! HealthFitness has received an exceptional NPS of 79! 

Learn more
Contact us to find out how HealthFitness can build the corporate fitness solution that will get—and keep—your people moving.